The Volyn region is popular among tourists not only from Ukraine but also from abroad. Travelers from different countries of Europe and the world come here to see the local attractions and enjoy the majesty of nature. And this is not accidental, because the picturesque Volyn attracts not only natural landscapes but also historical monuments. This area is considered to be one of the oldest regions of Ukraine, and the first mentions of it are found in the chronicles of the IX-XI centuries, in particular, in the "Tale of bygone years" and in the "Ipatiev Chronicle".

Tarakan Fort

Tarakan Fort is one of the most mysterious and mystical places in Ukraine. More than 200 Austrian soldiers are buried here under the walls. In this article I will tell some interesting facts, legends and mystical stories, as well as how best to get here and whether to be afraid of ghosts.

The main goal was to protect the Lviv-Kyiv railway. But German, Austrian and Polish troops thought to themselves and took the building under their control. It was occupied. Fierce battles began, the building was almost completely destroyed. As a result of the fighting, the Russians managed to return the fortifications to their possessions. About 200 Austrian soldiers were killed. They were buried under the mounds of the fort.

Locals say that ghosts can be easily found here. The souls of the Austrian military cannot rest.

Lake Svityaz

Lake Svityaz is the largest and deepest lake of natural origin in Ukraine. Svityaz is something like the sea, in windy weather the waves here reach a height of one and a half meters… The best natural tourist attraction of Volyn is Lake Svityaz, which is located near the village of Shatsk, the center of the district restored in 1993. It is a part of Shatsky lakes, a group of more than 30 lakes in the north-western part of the Luboml district of the Volyn region, in the interfluve of the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers. They like to compare this lake with Lake Baikal. Of course, the scale is not the same, but here the depths are quite significant: there are underwater "holes" at 32, 37, 38 and even 58.4 meters. Off the coast Svityaz is mostly shallow. You can walk one and a half hundred meters until the water reaches the chest. In windless weather, the water warms up quickly, so parents and children are happy to rest here.

Tunnel of Love

Regions of Ukraine are abundant with charming romantic places that attract attention with their natural beauty and originality. But one of the most popular and amazing places is the Tunnel of Love near the town of Klevan in Rivne region. The 5-kilometre green corridor, created by trees lined up in an arch of perfect round shape, and the railway between became the main tourist attraction of Volyn, is the object of constant pilgrimage for couples in love and travellers. You can go for a walk to the tunnel at any time of year, but it is better in summer or autumn, when nature paints the leaves in incredible colours and shades, from green to gold and crimson. In the tunnel, lights and shadows play in a peculiar way and photographers adore this place.

There are many interesting legends about the tunnel. According to one of them, this green corridor existed for several centuries, and once became a refuge for a couple of young people in love – fugitives from Klevan Castle. Another version is even more interesting, telling about a young Polish engineer who fell in love with a girl from Klevan and built a railway directly across the forest to shorten the road from Orzhev, where he lived, to his beloved woman. Eventually, they went different ways, and locals say that these people carried love throughout their lives. An incredible story!